Healthy skin diet

Healthy skin diet

Healthy skin diet

Healthy skin diet : 

Our skin reflects our internal health. 

If we follow healthy diet regularly and exercise daily then our overall health will be good but our skin will also be healthy and glow. 

But if we have nutrition deficiency, then its effect will also be seen on our skin and the texture of the skin will change. 

For Example Due to ion deficiency, our skin and nails begin to pale and glow from the glow of our skin goes away

It ecessary to include carbohydrate, fates, proteins, minerals, trace element and etc you in a healthy diet. 

You should include some Chapati, fresh vegetables, lentils, little rice, curd, ghee, salad in your daily diet.And also add some supplementary diet.

By doing all this, your body will remain well nourish and your skin will glow as well. 

By taking healthy diet, you can remove pimples, dull skin, hyperpigmentation.

So let's discuss what foods you should include in your diet to keep your skin healthy.

1. Green leafy vegetables

Healthy skin diet

  • Green leaf vegetable like spinach, fenugreek, cauliflower etc. 
  • green leaf vegetable contain lots of vitamins, nutrients and fiber. 
  • Green leaf vegetable contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Aryan and Calcium. 
  • By eating this you can remove acne and pimples.
  •  vegetable helps to reduce sibum production in the skin. 
  • It also helps to detoxify the skin And helps in improving your body's overhole health. 
  • Which brings glow to your skin. 
  • Green Vegetable protects your skin from free radicals damage and premature aging.

2. Carrot

Healthy skin diet

  • Carrots can be called Perfect Health Food. 
  • It is an anti-aging food that contains vitamin a, minerals, biotin, vitamin K, vitamin B6, potassium and fiber that helps to keep our skin glowing and healthy. 
  • Carrot is also a weight loss food. 
  • Carrots are very beneficial for our eyes and healthy skin.

3. Capsicum

Healthy skin diet

  • Yellow and green capsicum contain antioxidants called carotenoids. 
  • Which helps to reduce the sensitivity of our skin and premature aging signs such as fine lines, wrinkles, crowd feet. 
  • This is very helpful in slowing down aging.

4. Sweet potato

Healthy skin diet

  • Sweet Potato contains Beta Carotene, Retinol and Vitamin A.  
  • Beta carotene helps to build up the collagen protein in the skin. 
  • Vitamin A deficiency makes our skin look dull, dry and lifeless. 
  • Sweet potato also protects us from uv rays.

5. Tomatoes

Healthy skin diet

  • Tomatoes contain vitamin C. 
  • Vitamin C, potassium folate, vitamin K and lycopene is an anti oxident that gives us sun protection, as well as containers such as beta carotene, gama carotene and chlogogenic acid which help keep the skin hydrated from the inside.
  • Tomatoes contain is fiber, trace element, flavonoids, phytosterol and water soluble vitamins.
  • Tomatoes helps to reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

 6. Kedney beans

Healthy skin diet

  • Kedney beans is one of the protein Reach foods. 
  • Which contains zinc. 
  • Which helps protect our skin from acne.

7. Eggs, mutton, fish

Healthy skin diet

  • They contain good amounts of protein and amino acids. 
  • Which helps in collagen production. 
  • It contains high amount of Biotin and Vitamin B12 which helps to keep our skin and hair healthy.
  • Fatty fish is reachable by protein and omega 3. 
  • Which is good for the skin's ovarian health.

8. Fruits

Healthy skin diet

  • Fruits are very beneficial for the skin. 
  • Citrus fruit such as orange lemon grape etc. 
  • Eating 1 orange completes your full-day vitamin C requirement. 
  • Fruit has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which protects the skin from anti-aging.
  • Mango also help to get glowing skin.
  • Mango contains beta carotene. 
  • Which converts to vitamin A in our body. 
  • Vitamins A and C help to keep our skin healthy.
  • Watermelon contains vitamin A B C and a lot of water content. 
  • Which helps to keep the skin hydrated from inside. 
  • And helps reduce puffiness or swelling of the eyes.
  • Berries contain many antioxidants that help keep our skin glowing.
  • Pomegranate contains polyphenols which helps in regulating our blood flow and also helps in keeping the skin glowing.

9. Dry fruits

Healthy skin diet
  • dryfruits example Almonds, cashews, walnuts etc. 
  • These contain nourishing fats which protect the skin with ultraviolet ray. 
  • Walnuts contain non saturated and poly saturated fats, irons, selenium, calcium, vitamin e. 
  • Which protects the skin from cellular damage and aging.

10. Flex seed

Healthy skin diet

  • Flex seed contain omega 3.
  • Flex seed help to get soft skin and help to build up collagen protein.

11. Dark chocolate

Healthy skin diet

  • In dark Chocolate flavonoids content are present.
  • That helps to make your skin firms.
  • But excessive chocolate can cause acne and pimples because chocolate has high glycemic indexed food.
  • In study's food's with a high glycemic index can trigger acne.

So all this food that we should include in our diet. Which helps make our skin glowing. 
We should take healthy diet, if we want healthy skin, then we should not eat junk food, oily food, fried food, salt food, fast food etc. 
It is not good for our health and skin. If your health is not good, your body does not get the protein it needs, then your skin starts becoming dull. And problems with acne and pimples begin.

So here are some of my tips that will help in to get glowing skin. We must take care of our skin. After all, beauty increases with glowing skin. So hope you liked this post of mine today, if you like this post of mine today, please share it with your friend and family.
                   Thank you☺


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