Best healthy hair care tips

Best healthy hair care tips

Best healthy hair care tips

Our hair says a lot about us. And that's why everyone needs thick, long, silky and shiny hair, and to get such hair, we keep doing something everyday. Some of us will also be facing the problem of hair loss and some people will be trying to take good care of the remaining hair because everyone needs hair on their head.

Today we will discuss about what the natural way to make our hair as healthy as possible. 

Best healthy hair care tips

  • See if your hair is curly, straight, dry, oily we all have the same basic structure of hair. 
  • Our hair fiber has many layers. The first layer is called the cuticle layer. 
  • The cuticle layer consists of very thin cells which are protective cells. 
  • The second layer is of the cortex. Which gives color and texture to our hair. 
  • This gives strength to our hair. The third layer is the innermost layer called medula.
  • Which resides in the middle of the fiber. 
  • Our hair grows from the hair root where the hair follicle is. 
  • This hair follicle is in Darmish which has a hair bulb on its terminal side which contains the cells. 
  • There is a terminal papilla at the base of the hair bulb that allows our hair to grow. 
  • The blood stream gives essential Nutrition, Growth Factors and Nourishment. 
  • Just as we try to keep our face clean and healthy, we should also keep our scalp clean and care. 
  • To make our hair healthy, thick and strong, we should give a good environment which means we need to nourish our scalp and hence a healthy hair care routine. 
  • Moreover, due to pollution, stress and our unhealthy lifestyle it has become very important to follow hair care routine.
See our hair color length and thickness are all based on our genetics and we cannot change it too much but with a healthy lifestyle and good hair care routine you can make your hair more healthy.

So let's start healthy hair tip's

Tip no.1

  • We should be very gentle with our hair. Do not forget to massage your scalp. 
  • Massage your scalp 1 to 2 hours before bathing. 
  • To massage, you can use any oil such as coconut oil or almond oil. 
  • Massage your scalp properly. 
  • Massage helps to stimulate the blood flow in the hair follicle. 
  • Which helps in hair growth.

Tip no.2

  • It is necessary to wash your hair three to four times a week. 
  • But do not wash your hair daily, daily hair wash removes the natural essential oil of your hair, which makes your hair dry and frizzy. 
  • You should use products with sulfate free content for your hair.

Tip no.3

Best healthy hair care tips

  • To get healthy hair, we should not only do hair care routine but also exercise. 
  • By exercising, your health is not only good but also your hair is healthy. 
  • Which increases your body's ability to absorb nutrients.

Tip no.4

Best healthy hair care tips

  • Eating healthy and nutritious things. 
  • You should always eat healthy diet base food. 
  • Which has many benefits, you can eat fresh food green leaf vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, tomato nuts and almonds. 
  • It is important to eat all of which will give you nutrients and vitamins. 
  • You should also eat some fruits that contain vitamins and minerals. 
  • You must take omega-3 in your diet. 
  • You can get omega 3 from fish and chia seeds.

Tip no.5

Healthy hair care tips

  • Stop styling your hair more. 
  • Styling the hair more means drying hair with the help of dryer, straightening, curling, heating etc. 
  • All these things make your hair roots very weak. 
  • And by tying hair tightly, you have chances of getting traction alopecia. 
  • In which the headline starts to fall, the hair starts falling further. 
  • Use towels to lighten your hair and not use hair dryers.

So here are some of my tips that will help in increasing your hair growth. We must take care of our hair. After all, beauty increases with hair. So hope you liked this post of mine today, if you like this post of mine today, please share it with your friend and family.
                   Thank you☺


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